The project “#myroots" has the goal of raising awareness of the Ethiopian population about the risks and dangers of choosing to migrate irregularly to the Arab countries. SCT Center provides a training for young people on socio-health issues alongside with this inherent to the risks of irregular migration. As in the previous project that saw SCT Centre alongside Cifa Onlus in Ethiopia, “Irregular Migration: A Possible Alternative“, the SCT professionists will involve the local population, especially young women and primary and secondary school school students.
Etiopia – #myroots
#myroots is the second international cooperation project in Ethiopia 2017-2010 co-funded by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation, which sees Cifa Onlus and SCT Centre partners. It is a kind of natural sequel to the emergency project “Irregular Migration: A Feasible Alternative” previously realized by Cifa onlus with SCT Center in the three woreda Ambassel, Worebabo and Tehuledere, in the northern part of the country.
Both projects have the goal of raising awareness of the Ethiopian population about the risks and dangers of choosing to migrate irregularly to the Arab countries. The dangers are greater for young women who, during their long journeys of hope to a better future, are often subjected to violence. #myroots turns to the South Wollo area, where 15,054 immigrants from this area are repatriated every year by the Saudi government.
The factors influencing the “culture of migration” are: low employment opportunities and low profitability of economic activities; community pressure and lack of adequate health services. For this reason, the #myroots project aims to contribute not only to improving the socio-economic conditions of potential migrants in South Wollo, but also to improving socio-sanitary conditions. The project follows four guidelines: the creation of income through new business activities, the strengthening of resilience, the improvement of local services and the awareness-raising campaigns.
SCT Center provides a SCT training for young people on socio-health issues alongside with this inherent to the risks of irregular migration. As in the previous project that saw SCT Centre alongside Cifa Onlus in Ethiopia, “Irregular Migration: A Possible Alternative“, the SCT professionists will play with the local population to the “The path of life” game, a kind of Chutes and Ladders that, through theatralizations, will bring the participants to emphatize with migrants, following them in some fictional situations.
#myroots has a three-year duration (2017-2020) and is co-funded by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation.