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PREMESSA In occasione del Natale 2020 ed in seguito alla valutazione del crescente isolamento relazionale di alcune fasce della popolazione – principalmente anziani – a causa dell’emergenza Covid, Social Community Theatre Centre ha proposto di mettere a disposizione le competenze digitali apprese da alcuni collaboratori per offrire un’alfabetizzazione di base per effettuare videocall con il proprio smartphone, così da mantenere un contatto con la propria rete di relazione e di Read More

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ConversAzioni -Theater project for awareness and community development

January 2011 – January 2012 ConversAzioni is a project of community theatre on aphasia developed through the creation of a theatre performance generated from the encounter with aphasic people and its staging in sensitive places of the community in Turin and Piedmont. Aphasia is a form of disability occurring after a stroke, brain haemorrhage or head trauma. It affects spoken language, reading and writing capabilities, but the injuries do not damage Read More

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How do you feel me?

The project How do you feel me? was the winner and placed first in the regional call (ESF – European Social Fund) intended to spread the culture of gender parity and the principle of non-discrimination into the educational system and the world of work. It deals with discrimination in healthcare places and healing relationships. The hospital may effectively become a microcosm where the weakness of people living there and culturally Read More

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Bachelor of Science in Nursing

October 2005 – today Since 2005 the Bachelor of Science in Nursing of the University of Turin, in cooperation with the SCT Centre | Unito, has included a constant planning activity of didactics, research and evaluation on theatre in the basic education of professional nurses, realising workshops for students, performances and conferences. The training objective of the nursing profession is to gain effective skills to cope with the relationship and Read More

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October 2013 – November 2015 Co-Health is a two-year Action Research project in the area of healthcare supported by Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Torino (Savings Bank Turin Foundation). The project aims to plan, test and evaluate a transferable protocol concerning active education for doctors and nurses in order to strengthen their soft skills and in particular skills related to: handling the relationship with the patient handling the relationship with Read More

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Under the sign of Cancer

October 2006 – March 2009 The Theatrical Construction Site – Under the Sign of Cancer is a project concerning Social and Community Theatre and Medical Humanities in oncology. It was carried on between 2006 and 2009 by Teatro Popolare Europeo (European Popular Theatre) and Master in Social and Community Theatre | Unito under the sponsorship of Rete Oncologica del Piemonte e Valle d’Aosta (Piedmont and Aosta Valley Oncology Network) and Read More

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The Shining of the Ages

October 2004 – 2012 The Social and Community Theater project named The Shining of the Ages is addressed to old people living in the Residential Care and Nursing Homes (RCNH) of Piedmont Region with the aim of fostering the communication among different ages and involving the community. The project is also intended for social and healthcare workers of RCNH, university students and citizens. It began in October 2004, when the Read More