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Terract – i dettagli del nuovo progetto

TERRACT – Les acteurs de la Terre is one of the winners of the Interreg Alcotra 2014-2020 call. It is born from the collaboration of SCT Center – Corep with the company Il Melarancio (Cuneo, Italy) and the Théâtre National de Nice (France).


This cross-border cooperation project between France and Italy develops around the theme of environmental conservation and the enhancement of the natural and cultural resources of a defined territorial division between France and Italy, in the cross-border area between the two geographical axes that link the partner cities.

TERRACT provides for the launch of many activities to protect and enhance the natural, cultural and landscape heritage of this area. Specifically, TERRACT will employ the SCT methodology to enhance the skills of operators already active in the management and promotion of the natural-cultural heritage and the new generations that will continue the same process of enhancement.
In this project, the ability of the SCT methodology to narrate the community through performing arts and promote the development of man and its relationship with the surrounding environment, is used to give value to the territory. The SCT methodology, in fact, is based on the assumption that each community is already expert enough for the enhancement of its territorial heritage and already has the human and material resources to promote it. What the community needs is the rediscovery of these skills and resources (both human and material): the TERRACT project will enable it to happen thanks to a work on share capital and community,

In detail, TERRACT expects to enhance the natural, cultural and landscape heritage in three steps:
– Discovering the resources of the territory, their complexity and interconnection through dialogue with the heritage management spokesmen and analyzing the existing studies on these resources;
– The interpretation of these resources and the subsequent definition of the relationships between the various natural elements and the relevant competencies that need to be developed to cope with it;
– Creating a community tale with its founding elements (words, sounds, environmental contexts, values, etc.)that will become a tool for awareness, knowledge and involvement.

The actions envisaged in the project include:
– an analysis and mapping of existing studies concerning the resources of the territory and the implementation of a database accessible to all.
– training of local operators with the aim of making them more capable of involving the community and making it an active promoter of its heritage. This will be possible through the creation of a SCT course aimed at the acquisition of skills in the interpretation and narration of the natural and cultural heritage, which will be based on theatrical training workshops.
– stimulation of young people (14-25 years) in order to express and promote territorial heritage through theatrical languages. This will take place during three weeks of theatrical workshops where, through the language of the theater and the involvement of local communities, experts, professional actors and operators who have received the SCT training, young people will be involved in a functional pathway to acquire specific knowledge on the territory.