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The Voice of the Audience: workshop 8-11 October #art&communities

How would you like to be part of a choircreating music not with beautiful singing but with all sorts of sounds that theatre audiences make? Sounds like coughing, sighing, whispering, snoring, laughing, clapping, buh-ing made into a piece of music.

This “work of sound” – a different and subtle concert – was presented the first time in Denmark in 2017 at The Royal Theatre, Copenhagen, with 40 people of all ages and all walks of life. The group rehearsed once a week for several months. Here is a video with English subtitles.

A short version of the piece will be make in Turin as part of the conference Art and Communities: European models of audience engagement and social inclusion. The piece is thus adapted to this short workshop format and presentation. During the workshop you will be learning a part of the original piece, based on the sounds made by audience in a Russian theatre in 1923.
The ‘music’ is written and will be conducted by internationally acclaimed composer Peter Bruun under the direction of Lotte Faarup, artistic director of Forsøgsstationen.

The workshop is open for artists, social workers and citizens of all ages and walks of life and is free of charge. Registration opens on September 3. The sole requirement is to take part in the whole workshop and the presentation – no singing or performance talent and/or experience needed! There will be a translator English-Italian, and Lotte Faarup also speaks Italian.

>  Download the leaflet

> Registration


Workshop: Monday Oct. 8 – Thursday Oct. 11 at 9.30 -13.30 at the StudiumLab of the University of Turin, Via S. Ottavio 20, Torino.

Presentation: Thursday Oct. 11 at 20:00 at Teatro Vittoria, via Antonio Gramsci 4, Torino.
Open and free to the public.

Info: sctcentre@socialcommunitytheatre.com


“The Voice of the Audience” is a research project developed by The Lab Station (Forsøgsstationen), Denmark, and is a ’micro event’ in Caravan Next, a large scale European Social Community Theatre project, ideated by Odin Teatret – Nordisk Teaterlaboratorium and University of Turin. The overall aim is to create a common ground for very diverse groups of residents in local communities through artistic activities to stimulate the development of a sense of belonging, connection and identity.
The Lab Station is a workshop for professionals in the performing arts disciplines, residing in an old cinema from the 1920’s.

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