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Theatre in Emergency Contexts

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TONE – Talents of New Europe

Il progetto Erasmus+ “TONE – Talents of New Europe”, della durata di 2 anni da settembre 2020 a dicembre 2022, si rivolge a persone con background migratorio e interesse o esperienze pregresse nell’ambito artistico e culturale. L’obiettivo del progetto è quello di accrescere le competenze dei partecipanti in ambito artistico e promuovere le pari opportunità di accesso al mondo del lavoro nel settore artistico culturale. Il progetto prevede la creazione Read More

Etiopia – #myroots

Goals #myroots is the second international cooperation project in Ethiopia 2017-2010 co-funded by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation, which sees Cifa Onlus and SCT Centre partners. It is a kind of natural sequel to the emergency project “Irregular Migration: A Feasible Alternative” previously realized by Cifa onlus with SCT Center in the three woreda Ambassel, Worebabo and Tehuledere, in the northern part of the country. Both projects have the goal of raising Read More

Ethiopia – #100%plastic

Goals The project “#100% Plastic – Development Program for the Plastic Waste Collection and Recycling Industry in Awassa” has an ambitious social and environmental goal: the creation of an efficient waste collection system in the province of Awassa in Ethiopia, training new professional figures and raising awareness about the real importance of proper waste disposal. The project strengthens the collaboration between SCT Center and Cifa Onlus – an International NGO with over Read More

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TSC in South Sudan

May – July 2017 SCT  intervention in South Sudan took place in close collaboration with the Department of Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) of IOM in Bentiu’s PoC, that with its 110,000 inhabitants is one of the most populated refugee camps in the world. The intervention had a twofold goal: to support the local staff training and to launch SCT activities with the target population in order to develop Read More

Io non viaggio solo

“Io non viaggio solo” è un progetto di ricerca-azione all’interno programma di intervento psicosociale avviato a marzo 2017, a Crotone (KR), da Sos Villaggi dei Bambini in partnership con SCT Centre. Il programma è rivolto ai Minori Stranieri Non Accompagnati (MSNA) (14-18 anni) ospitati nei centri di prima e seconda accoglienza (CAS e SPRAR) nella provincia di Crotone e nel territorio calabrese; agli operatori del sistema di accoglienza e ai Read More

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Ethiopia – Illegal immigration: an feasible alternative

July 2016 – December 2016 SCT Centre involved the local communities of three different woredas (the third-level administrative division of Ethiopia):  Ambassel, Worebabo e Tehuledere, located in Amnara, the northern region of the Country. The several actions undertaken by our Centre are targeted to adults  who might be directly or indirectly involved in illegal immigration processes and to students aged 10-14 within those communities. Objectives: the main objective is raising Read More

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Ethiopia – Girls at school

November – December 2014 The condition of women in Ethiopia and the importance of education were the main themes of the project carried out by SCT Centre in Wuchale, Ethiopia within the framework of the CIFA (NGO) “Tutte a Scuola” program. Its main beneficiaries were women, students and community leaders. The main goals of the project include community development and teaching the local population about discrimination, exploitation, gender violence and Read More

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TSC in Libia

March – October 2013 The project Team capacity building in the framework of Social and Community Theatre was developed in close cooperation with IOM (International Organization for Migration, Mental Heath, Psychosocial Response, and Intercultural Communication Section) within the programme framework Psychosocial assistance for children, young people and their families affected by the crisis in Libya. The work was started with the aim of implementing an intervention of Social and Community Read More